Understanding Pain During sex
As a pelvic floor physical therapist, I often get asked if it is “normal” for there to be pain during intercourse? In short, NO! Just because we had a child, does not mean that we are left to suffer for the rest of our lives! It is a very common misconception but penetrative sex should not be painful and we should be able to orgasm with both internal or external stimulation.
If this is something that you struggle with, know you are not alone! At Empower Physical Therapy and Wellness located in Alpharetta GA, this is a VERY common complaint that we get. A well-maintained pelvic floor sets the stage for pain-free intimacy by promoting flexibility, strength and relaxation. A healthy pelvic floor ensure optimal blood flow, contributing to heightened sensitivity and responsiveness. The combination of strength and flexibility allows for a greater range of motion during intimate moments, enhancing both comfort and pleasure.
Additionally, the relaxed state of the pelvic floor reduces tension, minimizing the likelihood of discomfort and pain. Ultimately, cultivating a strong, mobile and relaxed pelvic floor created an environment where intimacy can be enjoyed!
How do you make that happen? Here are a few tips you can try to help reduce pain with intimacy!
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
It should come as no surprise that we list PFPT as our first recommendation. If you are having any sort of pelvic pain or pain with intimacy you should seek the care and guidance of a pelvic floor physical therapist. These issues are not a one size fits all problem and at Empower we have a lot of tools in our tool box to help you overcome this issue.
Kegels are not for everyone
If you struggle with a tight pelvic floor, kegels will likely make your symptoms worse, NOT better. We do not advise attempting to do kegels if you struggle with pelvic pain or pain with penetration
360 Breath Work For Mobility
In order to help restore a heathy, mobile and responsive pelvic floor, it needs to be able to move through its full range of motion. Practicing and mastering 360 breath work can help restore full motion to your pelvic floor and reduce tension or tightness that could be contributing to pain. For more details on how to complete 360 breath work check out our blog: What is 360 breath work.
Increase core and pelvic floor strength
In order to achieve strong, pleasurable orgasms, you need to have a strong pelvic floor. As we mentioned above, we do not advise kegels. So how do you strengthen your pelvic floor? Your pelvic floors main function is to respond and function automatically, without conscious thought. So in order to do that we advise you see a pelvic floor physical therapist to ensure that your pelvic floor responds and engages when you fire your low abs and to teach you how to incorporate balance, strength and breath work to strengthen your pelvic floor WITHOUT kegels.
You can also check us out at instagram and tik tok for more videos and information or give us a call at 678-413-5587!
Empower Physical Therapy and Wellness
1061 Cambridge Square Suite D
Alpharetta GA 30004