Diastasis Recti

I have a diastasis, Now what!?

If you are pregnant or postpartum you have likely heard the term Diastasis Recti, but what exactly it is? Diastasis Recti(DR) is a thinning of the linea alba which can cause separation in your center abdominals. It is important to note that DR is a normal and necessary part of pregnancy. In order for your body to grow and adapt to baby your abdominals need to stretch and move. 100% of pregnant women who make it full term will have a diastasis. The problem arises if there is too much separation or if your abdominals don’t return to baseline after baby which can result in pain and weakness.

Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation out there in regards to how to treat it. But fear not! At Empower, we are a specialized pelvic floor physical therapy practice that is up to date on the latest research to ensure you get evidence based care that works!

To learn more about exactly what Diastasis Recti is and to learn how to assess for it at home check out our blog: Diastasis Recti Therapy: A Complete Guide to Healing Postpartum.

Let our experts Help!

Our Doctors of Physical Therapy are pregnancy and postpartum corrective exercise specialists in addition to extensive pre and post natal pelvic floor training. This is a precious time in a women’s life that should be trusted with the exerts. Whether you are experiencing low back pain, pelvic pain, incontinence or just want to make sure you are moving optimally to maintain a pain free pregnancy, we are here to help!

A typical treatment for diastasis recti could include

  • Manual therapy can include myofascial release and visceral releases to help reduce pain and tension and improve tissue length and help approximate your abdominals

  • You will be prescribed specific exercises to help improve mobility of your pelvis, hips, back, diaphragm and more. Helping to maintain appropriate mobility can minimize stress placed on your core helping to prevent further separation

  • Recent research shows that loading your core is the best defense against DR. We will teach you have to strengthen safely!

  • Our therapists will educate you on their findings and help you fully understand not only what is going on with your body but also what you can do to help reduce your symptoms

  • If we have inappropriate pressure management strategies, meaning, we bear down, breath hold and maintain improper alignment especially when lifting then we could be overloading our pelvic floor making us more prone to issues such as prolapse. We will help teach you effective pressure management strategies to help prevent inappropriately bearing down on your pelvis

  • Dry Needling can be a very useful tool, especially for SPD. Click here to learn more about what Dry Needling is.

  • Vaginal or cesarean birth preparation customized for you with specific exercises, breath work, and mobility to help you achieve your goals