pelvic floor physical therapy for perineal incisional pain


incisional pain

you just delivered and were told you had a tear they needed to stitch. unsure of what to do to make sure it heals well.

we got you covered!

Tearing is common during delivery however most women do not know to what degree they tore as well as what that even means.

There are 4 grades or degrees of tearing; 1 being the least invasive and 4 being the most.

When scar tissue is formed after a tear it does not have the same properties as the tissue that was there before. Typically it has less blood flow and is less mobile which can result in pain or dysfunction.

Pelvic floor physical therapy can make sure your incision is able to move well, ensure optimal mobility and strength around your pelvis and pelvic floor getting you back to living without symptoms.

Let our experts Help!

Our Doctors of Physical Therapy are pelvic floor specialists. We will assess mobility of your scar as well as the strength and coordination of your pelvic floor. We will then come up with a detailed treatment plan to get you back to all of your goals.

A typical treatment for perineal incisional pain could include

  • Manual therapy can include scar massage and desensitization, myofascial release to the abdomen as manual release of pelvic floor muscles.

  • Specific mobility exercises will be given for your scar as well as other areas that are lacking.

  • Getting back strength and coordination of your pelvic floor is vital after experiencing tearing.

  • We will educate you on ways to protect the healing incision while building mobility, strength and function. You will also be educated on what you can do at home to decrease pain.

  • Making sure we manage pressure appropriately is important to help protect the tear heal.

  • Breathing is the foundation of how your pelvic floor moves. Optimizing breathing patterns will help improve pelvic floor mobility as well as the scar mobility.