third trimester exercises for an easier birth
Pregnancy and delivery are hard both physically and mentally. Preparing for the changes our bodies go through and for the actually delivery is immensely beneficial. We commonly train for difficult tasks we ask our bodies to go through, like running a marathon, we should be guiding our mamas to help train their bodies especially with third trimester exercises to make for an easier birth and easier pregnancy. Besides just making it easier on our bodies there are many other benefits to exercising during pregnancy like improving postpartum recovery and decreasing pregnancy related complications.
Unsure of what you should be focusing on in your third trimester?
Let us help!
As we get towards the end of our pregnancy we want to make sure our pelvis can move well, our pelvic floor can lengthen, we know how to breathe efficiently and our cardiovascular and muscular systems are strong to help us make delivery a little easier. Come with us as we go through some important exercises to incorporate into your exercise routine when moving into your third trimester to make delivery a little easier.
benefits of exercising during pregnancy
There are numerous benefits to exercising during pregnancy.
reduces the risk of pregnancy related complications: specifically pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes
decrease in cesarean birth
decrease in operative vaginal delivery
decrease in pre term labor
increased incidence of vaginal delivery
improves postpartum recovery
improves mental health
enhances strength and mobility to help handle the physical changes that occur easier
Some of the statements you may have heard about exercising and pregnancy may include that it causes miscarriage, contributes to poor fetal growth or premature delivery are not substantiated in uncomplicated pregnancies.
safety info
Exercise during pregnancy is safe if you do not have any complications. We recommend making sure you are cleared for exercise by your medical team.
It is also very important to listen to your body. If you are feeling tired or just not feeling great maybe not exercising that day would be a good idea. Pay attention to how you feel during and after exercise; There are certain symptoms to be aware of that we recommend stopping exercising. Please contact your medical provider for guidance if you experience any of these below:
vaginal bleeding
abdominal pain
amniotic fluid leakage
chest pain
persistent and excessive shortness of breath
muscle weakness affecting balance
calf pain or swelling
important third trimester exercises
Besides the amazing benefits listed above, there are specific things we recommend to help prepare the body for the last stage of pregnancy and for delivery.
mobility exercises
Our entire pelvis needs to open to allow labor to progress and for baby to get into position for delivery and then exit out of the bottom of our pelvis. Making sure the joints and bones of your pelvis can move can be very important in delivery. Maintaining mobility along with strength throughout the third trimester will also help decrease pain.
Deep Squat will help open up the top of your pelvis
Quadruped Rock Back helps open up the bottom of your pelvis
Pelvic Floor Length
As baby moves more into the pelvis your pelvic floor needs to begin to lengthen to allow the uterus to continue to push baby further down. Making sure there is enough length in the pelvic floor muscles to allow this to happen is important as well as the ability to coordinate lengthening with breathing and pushing can help progress labor, and decrease tearing.
both exercises focus on getting length through your pelvic floor.
Strengthening exercises
Strengthening exercises can help decrease pain throughout the third trimester. Because of the changes our bodies go through, that is most noticeable at the end of a pregnancy, having more strength will make it easier on your body.
Strengthening exercises in the third trimester will also continue to promote good mobility throughout your muscles allowing them and the joints they act on to move well during delivery.
Strengthening will also help build the stamina required during delivery.
Hip IR on Wall will help open up the bottom of your pelvis as well as work on eccentric (lengthening) strength of your pelvic floor, glutes and hip stabilizers.
Bear Plank is one our favs for deep core work.
Cardiovascular Exercises
Our patients ask us often what cardiovasular exercises should they do. There is no right or wrong answer to this but generally picking something you enjoy doing is what we recommend. Walk, cycle, jog, row they are all good options as long as you enjoy them. However we generally do not recommend starting a completely new type of exercise in your third trimester. If you were never a runner, starting to run in your third trimester may not be the best choice.
These are some of the exercises we recommend for our clients however they should not cause pain, discomfort, or pressure. These recommendations do not take place of a medical professionals recommendation and if you are unsure on if you can or can not perform these please consult with your medical professional.
We hope you realize the benefits that exercise can have during pregnancy and how specific activities, especially in the third trimester, can make delivery easier. Staying active and incorporating safe exercises into your routine can make a significant difference if your overall well-being and preparing your body for the big day. We highly recommend seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist to learn how your body moves and identify any muscle weaknesses. This can help you get through your third trimester with less pain and ensure you are doing the right exercises to make your delivery easier.
Remember, every pregnancy is unique. Listen to your body and consult your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.
Dig Deeper: Uncover More Secrets to Pelvic Floor Health
Hi! We are Dr.Aimee and Dr. Lauren
We are the owners of Empower Physical Therapy and Wellness. We are pelvic floor physical therapists who specialize in helping women from pregnancy, into postpartum and through perimenopause, menopause and then beyond! We believe all women deserve to do all of the things they love without symptoms!
You can contact us via our website, email at or social media!
The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or symptoms. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog.
If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately. The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of any medical or healthcare institutions.